Saturday, January 2, 2010

Guru Swamy

''Guruvan Guruve Saranam Ayyappa !'


Gurur Brahmaa Gurur Vishnuhu Gurur Devo Maheshvaraha |
Guru Saakshaat Para Brahma Tasmai Shree Gurave Namaha ||


Whoever is the Guru he is Lord Shiva !
Whoever is Lord Shiva he is Guru !

-Guru Githa

It is said that chanting the name of the Guru is equivalent to chanting the name of Lord Shiva, Guru's abode is Kashi Kshetram and water used to wash Guru's feet is Ganga.

The role of the Guru is significant in the Ayyappa cult. The Guruswamy is usually an elderly person who has undertaken pilgrimage to Sabarimala not less than seven consecutive years in the traditional long route and had darshan of Makara Jothi. The devotees treat the Guruswamy as Ayyappan himself. It is important that pilgrims gain knowledge from the Guru on all the aspect of the Pilgrimage. One should serve the Guru physically, mentally and verbally.

The pilgrims should give the due respect and reverence the Guru deserves. All instructions of the Guru should be carried out without fail. The Guru will enlighten the Shisyas the austerities to be followed. He will teach them the slokas and way to perform pooja and bhajans. He shall prepare them for the pilgrimage mentally and physically. He will lead the pilgrims safely and comfortably to Sabarimala.

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